Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about our products. If you need specific
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Holt Properties
Are the properties fully serviced and furnished?
The properties are fully serviced but not furnished. Some of the properties also come with an attached BQ.
Do you have properties for lease?
Yes, we have properties for lease located at Victoria Island, Lekki and Ikoyi, Lagos
What are the charges attached to your Warehouse?
- A fixed rate per square metre/month payable in advance
- A fixed administrative fee/month payable in advance
- Handling fee/month payable in arrears
What are the facilities attached to your Warehouse?
The facilities depend on clients specification. Most of our clients go for open warehouse while few require warehouse with racking facility.
What do these services cover?
- The administrative services cover security, insurance, government levies, cleaning and all utilities.
- The inventory management cover invoicing of client stock to their customers, weekly report of all stock by SKU, quarantine stock report, loading and offloading of client stock.
What facilities do you have in the property?
- Lifts
- Stand-by generator
- Swimming pool
- Open lawn/Garden
- Dedicated parking lots
What other facility do you offer?
We also offer office facility
What other services do you offer apart from Warehousing?
- Administrative services
- Inventory management
What part of property development does your company handle?
- Land acquisition & documentation
- Planning & design layout scheme
- Site clearing & preliminary works
- Infrastructure & service
What type of development packages do you have for these groups?
- Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT)
- Sale & Lease back
- Joint Partnership
- Mortgage Schemes
What type of office facility do you offer?
- Open office without fitting/furniture
- Office with fitting/furniture
What type of property development are getting involved in?
- Commercial – Shops, Offices, Warehouses
- Residential – Block of flats, Bungalows, etc
- Specialist – Cinemas, Shopping malls, etc
What type of Warehouse Facility do you offer?
- Partitioned
- Dedicated
- Customized
Where are your Warehouses located?
||Aba | ||Abuja | ||Benin | ||Calabar | ||Enugu | ||Gombe | ||Ibadan
||Ilorin | ||Kaduna | ||Kano | ||Lagos | ||Maiduguri | ||Makurdi | ||Minna
||Ondo | ||Onitsha | ||Oshogbo | ||Port-Hacourt | ||Sokoto | ||Warri | ||Yola
Who are the Management Contractors?
We have a trained independent Facility Manager on site and trained staff who attend to the day to day running of the Estate.
Who are your target clients?
- Corporate Bodies
- High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI)
- Institutions & Corporate Groups